Category Archives: Bible Study

Bible Study is Back This Week!

OK, maybe we should’ve said “Bible Studies are Back!”  In an effort to make our Bible study available to everyone, we are going to give three groups a try.  For the fall, all three groups will be working through the … Continue reading

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Bible Study Tonight!

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Bible Study Tonight!

Tonight at 7PM at Brian and Sue Ward’s house (523 Constant Ridge Ct., Abingdon, MD 21009).  We’re going to start at John 1:35 and work our way to the end of the chapter. Everyone is invited, including kids!

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Bible Study

Tonight at 7PM at Pastor Jason’s house (46 Laurentum Pkwy, Abingdon, MD 21009).  We’re going to be looking at John 1:19-34 (maybe more, if time permits).  Everyone is invited, including kids!

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